Friday, 11 December 2015

New Song: The Kinks - You Really Got Me

Youtube link to video:

Karaoke version (Back up vocalists please use this to practice):

Guitar Tab for song. Remember, we might be playing this up higher on the neck but it's basically the same:

Bass Tab for song:

Video lesson for guitar players:

Power chords lesson:

Thursday, 3 December 2015

CBC's Canada's Greatest Music Class Competition

The Locked Doors performing Stompa by Serena Ryder for Canada's Greatest Music Class Competition.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Songs for the Christmas Concert

Here is a list of the songs we will do for the Christmas Concert for each class. There is a regular version and a karaoke version for most.


O Christmas Tree:

O Christmas Tree Karaoke: We're only doing the first three verses

Vive le Vent: Chorus only

Grade 1:

Little Drummer Boy:

Little Drummer Boy Karaoke:

C'est Noel: No video

Grade 2:

Ma Tuque de Noel: 2B Only

Hark the Herald Angels Sing:

Hark the Herald Angels Sing Karaoke:

Christmastime is Here: 2A Only

Grade 3 and Grade 3/4:

Ma Tuque de Noel: Grade 3B and 2B Only

Christmastime is Here:

Christmastime is Here Karaoke:

Grade 4/5 French and Grade 5/6 French:

Deck the Halls:

Deck the Halls Karaoke:

They are also singing "Le 12 Jours de Noel" but have new words so don't use the words in this version, just play the music:

Grade 5/6 English and Choir:

The Christmas Song:

The Christmas Song Karaoke:

Thursday, 19 November 2015

A Charlie Brown Christmas - Play Details

November 18th, 2015
Notice to Parents with Children in the Charlie Brown Christmas Play:
I’m so happy to include your child in our play “A Charlie Brown Christmas” this year. As you probably already know, we have two concerts on December 18th, one at 10am and one at 1pm. This is a great opportunity for your child but also a big responsibility. Your child is responsible for memorizing their lines for the play and attending all rehearsals.
We will be practicing on Fridays during school for the month of November. Starting in December we will have after school rehearsals from 3-4pm. The first rehearsal will be December 2nd. Some rehearsals will only include the main characters and others will include everyone. Here is a list of our rehearsal schedule:

Friday, November 27th: During school day at Recess
Wednesday, December 2nd: After school until 4pm
Children and understudies playing: Charlie Brown, Lucy, Linus, Snoopy, and the Narrator
Thursday, December 3rd: During school day at Recess
Wednesday, December 9th: After school until 4pm
All characters except for crowd
Friday, December 11th: During school day at Recess
All characters including crowd
Wednesday, December 16th: After school until 4pm
All characters except for crowd
Thursday, December 17th: Dress rehearsal during school day.
All characters including crowd.
Friday, December 18th: Concerts at 10:00am and 1:00pm.

This schedule may be subject to change as the concert approaches. You can check my class blog for updates.

It would be greatly appreciated if parents could try to make costumes for their child’s character or provide material to the school so that we can make the costumes. The Home and School Association has very generously volunteered to make costumes for any students that are unable to get one.
Please contact me at or call the school to inform us whether or not you will be able to make your child’s costume so that we can make appropriate plans. 

Thanks everyone and I look forward to working with your children on this fantastic project!

Devin Krauskopf - Music Teacher at Bloomfield Elementary

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Songs for Choir

Hi everyone,
    Here are the songs we will be singing for the Remembrance Day Ceremony on Nov. 10. Please listen and sing along at home.

Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream - Ed McCurdy

In Flanders Fields - Anthony Hutchcroft

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Canada's Greatest Music Class!

I think we should do this. Deadline is Nov. 30th. Check out the song choices. Recognize one?!/blogs/2015/10/CBC-Music-in-association-with-MusiCounts-is-looking-for-Canadas-Greatest-Music-Class

Practice After School this Thursday, October 15th

     We will have our first after school Rock Band practice this Thursday, October 15th. This rehearsal time might change to Tuesdays by next week as Thursday does not work for every student in Rock Band. I will notify parents again if this is the case. Please arrange to have your child picked up at 4pm this Thursday at the school.

You can contact me at or call the school directly if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Bloomfield Remembrance Day Choir

Bloomfield Event Choir:

Attendance and Concerts:

There will be at least three performances this year for the choir; Remembrance Day, Christmas Concert, and a Spring Concert. Students can join any one of these choirs when the first practice starts. These will be three separate choirs and students can join or leave after each event.

  • Be to rehearsal on time.
  • If you miss two practices in a row, you will not be in the choir anymore. Some exceptions can be made for illness.
  • Maintain an organized music folder. Each person will receive their own folder.
  • Rehearsal is to be productive and can only be that way without talking and interruptions.
  • Work to improve yourself as a musician.
  • No food or gum allowed during rehearsal- NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Enjoy yourselves!

Music Folders will be assigned to each student. Students are responsible for the music as well as the folder that they are assigned. If the folder or music is lost, damaged, or stolen it is the student’s responsibility to cover the cost of replacement. If your folder is missing or music from the folder is missing, notify Mr. K immediately.

Schedule of Events:

Nov. 10th - Remembrance Day
TBA - Christmas Concert
TBA - Spring Concert

Information and event updates will be listed on the school music blog at:

Mr. K can also be contacted at:

Monday, 5 October 2015

After School Practice on Thursdays

Attn: Parents with children in Rock Band                                                           October 5, 2015

                Let me start by saying how happy I am to have your children in Rock Band this year. We have a wealth of talent and will have many opportunities for your children to perform this year. I have been holding rock band rehearsals during recess time so far but I would like to move it to after school so that we can have a more consistent rehearsal and can get more involved with the music we are working on. With that in mind, I am thinking of having rehearsal once a week after school on Thursdays from 3:00pm-4:00pm. If that conflicts with anything in your child’s schedule please let me know. Hopefully students and parents can arrange drives if some people cannot pick up their child at 4pm on Thursdays. You can contact me if this works or doesn’t work for you at:

I also update the rock band blog with any news and extra work for your children so make sure you check this site often.

Thanks very much!,

Devin Krauskopf

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Drum Rudiments Website with Videos

Hi Drummers! This is a great website with step by step instructions for learning your drumming rudiments. Rudiments basically means your ability to handle the sticks and play some basic patterns with them. 

Monday, 21 September 2015

Bloomfield Elementary Rock Band

The Band:
Welcome to Rock Band at Bloomfield Elementary. For the upcoming school year you will have many new responsibilities, make some new friends, have lots of fun, learn many new skills and most of all MAKE MUSIC!
Band practices will start on a weekly basis during big recess on Wednesday and possibly Monday. Any other day of the week you are welcome to come in during big recess to practice or for some extra help on your instrument. If I am busy, I will tell you but you can still come in to practice on your own.  If there is not enough time to rehearse, students may be required to stay after school until 4pm to practice once a week. Depending on the amount of interested students, there may be two rock bands, a junior band and a senior band.

The Instruments:
If you have little to no skill on your chosen instrument, don’t worry. I am willing to teach you the basic skills you will need to be successful in a rock band setting. However, you will be required to do a lot of work at home on your instrument. Here is a list of equipment you may need at home:

Guitarists: A guitar (acoustic or electric), a tuner, at least one pick, an amp and instrument cable (if using electric guitar)

Bassists: A bass, a tuner, an amp, an instrument cable, a pick (optional)

Keyboardists: A keyboard or piano at home

Drummers: Drums at home or a practice pad, drumsticks, a metronome. The Rock Band video game equipment for drums is actually very close to the real thing. If you have a set or can get one, it is a good way to practice.

Vocalists: Your voice, a microphone if possible to practice singing into

Your Job:
You will be required to practice at home on your selected instrument. I will be checking this on a regular basis so make sure you practice at least 4 days a week for at least 20 minutes each time. I can and will provide the materials that you will need to learn (sheets). You may play more than one instrument in rock band if you are doing well on your main instrument.
I can provide some basic teaching for all the instruments but it is your responsibility to improve on your instrument. Some ways you can improve include:
-Using a website
-Youtube video lessons
-Finding a private teacher: Most guitar teachers can teach bass as well.

*Remember, you must come to most rehearsals. If you miss two in a row you will have to have a meeting with me to discuss your continuation in the band. I also require your best effort during regular music classes to continue in the band (singing, playing, participating in all activities).

There is a Rock Band blog where you can access youtube videos, files, sheet music, and check for upcoming dates.

Equipment purchases:
If you do not have any equipment at home, you can purchase it. I recommend Long and McQuade in Summerside, or usedPEI. Before you buy any instruments, please come see me and show me what you are looking at. I can usually tell if it is a reasonable price or quality equipment just by seeing it.
Websites with Lessons:
Basic guitar lessons
Many drum lessons
“Bass”ic bass lessons

*For vocals and keyboards, please come see me for more info