Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Fall Songs for Rock Band

Hi everyone,
     Here are the two songs we are starting with for Grades 5 and 6 Rock Band. Please listen at home to get used to the song and all of the changes.

Jump - Van Halen

What I Wouldn't Do - Serena Ryder

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Music X-Change - 2018/2019

Image result for music exchange
Hi folks,
     Here are the things you should mention when doing your music exchange. Make sure you have a well written paragraph. You may be asked to pass in your notes:

-Name of Song
-Info on artist/band
-Musical information (style, tempo, rhythm)
-Why you like the song
-Lyrics- favorite line
*Additional Notes/Comments

The parts with the * beside them are optional. All other parts must be done. Please make sure you choose a song that is appropriate (no bad words or bad images) for school. We can use a "clean" video on Youtube if you cannot find an appropriate version of your song.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Spring Choir Songs

Here are the two songs we are singing for the Spring Music Showcase.

Please practice with them at home.

When the Tide Goes Out:

Count on Me:



Monday, 5 March 2018

Upcoming Dates for Junior and Senoir Rock Bands

We are a couple months away from rock band concert season and I thought I'd share that dates that I know so far.

April 25th - Practice concert for Bloomfield School

-This concert is a chance for the bands to show the school what they have learned as well as get a chance to do their first performances.

May 5th - Rockapalooza in Charlottetown

-This event is on a Saturday and will be located at Murphy Community Centre again this year (Bowling Alley). We have yet to get a specific sound check and performance time but it will be a late soundcheck and early performance just like last year.

May 23rd (Date may change) - Rock the West at Westile Composite

-This concert will be shared with both Tignish Elementary and ME Callaghan. We still need to confirm the date with Westile and set a few other things up. A firm date for this will be announced in the next few weeks.

Thursday, 1 March 2018

After School Rock Band Cancelled today, March 1st.

No after school Rock Band today due to parent teacher interviews. Sorry for the short notice.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Heart Art Choir - Rainbow Connection

Hi everyone. We only have a little bit of time left to get ready for our Heart Art performance. Please have a listen to this and practice as much as you can at home.

Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Junior Rock Band - After School Survey

Junior Rock Band is in need of more practice time. We'll be shifting their practices to after school at the end of February. Please indicate which day works best for you. Please follow the link to vote.
