Here is a list of the songs we will do for the Christmas Concert for each class. There is a regular version and a karaoke version for most.
O Christmas Tree:
O Christmas Tree Karaoke: We're only doing the first three verses
Vive le Vent: Chorus only
Grade 1:
Little Drummer Boy:
Little Drummer Boy Karaoke:
C'est Noel: No video
Grade 2:
Ma Tuque de Noel: 2B Only
Hark the Herald Angels Sing:
Hark the Herald Angels Sing Karaoke:
Christmastime is Here: 2A Only
Grade 3 and Grade 3/4:
Ma Tuque de Noel: Grade 3B and 2B Only
Christmastime is Here:
Christmastime is Here Karaoke:
Grade 4/5 French and Grade 5/6 French:
Deck the Halls:
Deck the Halls Karaoke:
They are also singing "Le 12 Jours de Noel" but have new words so don't use the words in this version, just play the music:
Grade 5/6 English and Choir:
The Christmas Song:
The Christmas Song Karaoke: